Gymnasium for street sports
Vandkunsten Architects has designed an indoor gymnasium for street sports as a supplement to the outdoor ‘Jägers’ skate park by Gentofte Stadium. The building facilitates various indoor activities primarily targeted at street sports.
The CO2 neutral lightweight gymnasium is run and maintained by the users and costs just a fifth of a conventional indoor gymnasium of the same size when you include operation and maintenance.
According to Vandkunsten Architects, the gymnasium for street sports at Jägers Skatepark only costs a fifth of a conventional indoor gymnasium of the same size when you include operation and maintenance. This is because of the simple wood structure and the absence of insulation, electrical installations and wet rooms.
Accordingly, the construction of this type of lightweight gymnasium cuts a whopping 80 % of the price, and the gymnasium can be built for DKK 5,000 per square metre. The gymnasium is also adjustable, meaning that the same type of gymnasium is able to accommodate any other local needs.
“The lightweight gymnasium is simply a very large shed that could have many different dimensions – it’s part of the concept that it can be adapted to other needs in local authorities looking to acquire a lightweight gymnasium. We have therefore spent time and energy on developing a parametric BIM model so that it can accommodate other versions and adaptations of the lightweight gymnasium concept.” Niels Pedersen, Constructing architect MAL
CO2 Footprint, Indoor Climate & Accessibility
According to Vandkunsten Architects, the gymnasium is CO2 neutral and solely built of environment-friendly materials. The supporting structure consists of laminated wood, and the facade primarily consists of polycarbonate panels made of surplus plastic. Both types of material contribute to a healthy indoor climate, are extremely durable and can be recycled.
Besides the technical requirements, it is assumed that because of its simple design and layout, the lightweight gymnasium can be operated by the users, meaning that, from an operation perspective, it also offers a real alternative to conventional gymnasiums.

About the Case
The gymnasium for street sports in Gentofte consists of a CO2 neutral wood structure where daylight comes inside through walls and roof covered in transparent polycarbonate.
Along the facade facing the outdoor facilities, a connection has been created between the indoor and outdoor areas by means of opening wall sections as well as a robust flooring that is traditionally for outdoor use. The untreated wood is raw and has a welcoming and warm look all day.
The lightweight gymnasium is adapted to street sports such as skateboarding and rollerblading and has been built in conjunction with the outdoor facilities in the landscape consisting of BMX embankments and obstacles to the north of the gymnasium, Jägers skate park and Gentofte Stadium.