The Process Wheel
Updated 24.03.20
Follow up. Learn from your mistakes. Do better the next time. Yes, but the daily grind is just full steam ahead and unavoidably controlled by deadlines. You therefore sometimes forget to get a helicopter perspective of everything.
It really pays off – in terms of bottom line and architecture – to force yourself to take this perspective. Regularly. The path to improvements, success, efficiency, a more fun workplace is a winding one – and it is paved with equal parts of experience and reflection. Equal parts of practice and theory. Become better, make fewer mistakes, get happier employees – what do you do next time round? We have found a wheel that can help you.
The wheel conceptualises process mindset ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’. In short, it is a structured approach to creating continuous improvement. It can be applied to all activities and processes and can be used systematically and structured or simply as a common way of thinking. Define the wheel as your common way of handling processes and improvements in the company.
Present it, talk about it, hang it on the wall, get it under your skin – and get your employees to adopt it like a habit. It is not rocket science!