Ørestad School
Educational designs frame pupil life at Ørestad School. Spatial organisation, good layout, customdesigned furnishings and easy movement around the building ensure variation for pupils during long school days.
Ørestad School is a municipal primary and lower secondary school with an integrated public library. The building therefore functions as a social and cultural gathering point for the Ørestad district. Teaching and learning not only take place in traditional classrooms, but also in all of the school’s rooms and common areas, which can be flexibly adapted to the specific learning situation. The school embraces the surrounding urban space and pupils and teachers can spend time by the canal and on the terraces of the school building.
"You can exit the building without going downstairs, so you can always step outside for fresh air and exercise during the day.” Flemming Dahlqvist, Vice Principal, Ørestad School
Views out and in through peepholes in walls, etc. allow pupils and teachers to see the activities taking place in the space, and this makes the youngest as well as new pupils feel safer. The building design brings daylight into the building and allows the building’s users to look out onto the urban landscape, where local residents, in turn, can look inside at life and learning at the school. Intermediary zones and transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces add shortcuts and informal resting areas between different classes and floors. Furthermore, the main stairs are on the outside of the building and connect the school to the local area.