Netto Bygholm Bakker
In 2020, Bygholm Bakker in Horsens got a very special Netto supermarket. With a wide range of climate-friendly measures, the store emits as much as 65% less CO2 than traditional grocery stores. The store is the first of its kind in a new concept with a focus on environmentally friendly solutions, a good indoor climate and architectural quality - to the delight of both customers and employees.
In order to minimize the environmental impact and create a warm and organic look, Netto in Bygholm Bakker is primarily build in wood. From the outside, visitors are greeted by an entrance area framed in Nordic pine, while the facades are made up of wooden elements covered with screen tiles. A large glass section at the entrance draws daylight into the store and creates a view of the wooden structure in the ceiling. To ensure that the wood can later be reused, building elements and assemblies are designed so that they can be separated after the construction's lifetime.
"We want our customers to think it's nice to shop in our stores. Together with C.F. Møller, we've spent a lot of resources figuring out how we can create that experience and at the same time set a new standard for how we build and operate our stores in a much more climate-friendly way." Michael Løve, former director of Netto, 2020
It is not only the choice of wood as the primary material that is the reason for the low climate impact and has resulted in a nice DGNB Gold certification of the construction. The landscape around the new Netto strengthens biodiversity with varied and local vegetation. A sedum roof helps regulate the temperature by retaining heat in the winter and providing natural cooling in the summer. Solar cells and a special energy system have also ensured that the modern store has an energy consumption that is as much as 40% lower than in traditional grocery stores.