In this booklet, the Danish Association of Architectural Firms presents a number of cases illustrating how architecture creates value for pupils, students, teachers and local communities through carefully considered and well-designed schools and other educational facilities.
The wellbeing, motivation and learning of children and young people are improved by good physical surroundings. Architecture plays an important role in supporting teaching and learning at educational institutions, from primary and lower secondary schools to universities and university colleges.
We have collected 12 examples of educational architecture with innovative solutions that establish stimulating study and work communities for teachers and students, and at the same time contribute to the local area.
The architecture of buildings sets the framework for learning environments and wellbeing at Danish schools. It’s important that educational architecture offers many different types of more open or less open spaces for concentration, exercise and play. Research shows that flexible spaces that support learning through movement and physical exercise bolster concentration and support social relationship building.
The 12 projects in this booklet support sustainable development.
Tine W. Holmboe
Head of Bussiness Development