The cultural heritage have been preserved at Grønnessegaard and a new business area has been added. Two old buildings have been given a new lease of life. The listed cowshed has been converted into a farm shop and conference facility, and a cooperative mill has been created. This is just one example of how the site now contributes to the local community.
Grønnessegaard has been part of the area of Halsnæs for almost 250 years, owned and run by the Hasselbalch family for the past 100 years. Today, the buildings and cobblestone pavements of Grønnessegaard are listed and future generations will also be able to enjoy this unspoiled cultural heritage. Between 2017 and 2020, the old cowshed was converted into a farm shop, selling foods from no less than 26 local producers. The owners thereby also boost the income of the local food producers. They have also set up a socio-economic company called ‘Mad og Mennesker’ (Food and People), which has a permanent staff of local flexible workers. Most recently, the old site opened a cooperative mill.
The numerous activities on the restored buildings have earned Grønnessegaard a place on the map, while adding to the overall turnover and re-establishing the connection between the local community and the manor.
“Over the years, consumers and producers have become disassociated. Now it’s time to come together again.” Ann Louise Hasselbalch, Owner, Grønnessegaard